I Can’t Even: Navigating Adult Life with PDA

Ever felt like the world’s biggest procrastinator, but with a sprinkle of “I’m doing this because I simply cannot even”? Welcome to Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) in adulthood—a.k.a. the ultimate “Nope” to everyday life. Here are 6 different ways you might see PDA popping up in your adult life.

Woman covering face with hands

1. Everyday Avoidance

  • Work? Nah. Chores? Double Nah. Managing deadlines and adulting tasks is like trying to nail jelly to a wall—pointless and slippery. You’ll find yourself perfecting the art of “I’ll do it later” while diving deep into a Netflix binge.

  • Social Butterfly? More Like a Social Moth. Yeah, you’ll commit to plans, but don’t be surprised if you flake last minute with an excuse so creative, it deserves an award. The idea of expectations makes you want to run for the hills—preferably with snacks.

2. Rules? We Don’t Know Her.

  • Bosses and Boundaries: The struggle is real when it comes to dealing with authority. Your inner rebel hates being told what to do, so you’re likely to side-eye any manager who tries to enforce a dress code or a “work ethic.”

  • Society’s Norms? Hard Pass. Conforming to the status quo? Nah, you’re too busy carving your own path, even if it involves wearing pajamas to the grocery store because life is short.

3. Anxiety: The Roommate You Didn’t Ask For

  • Anxiety Level: Over 9000. Everyday demands = anxiety’s fuel. You’ll find yourself flipping between feeling super chill and then spiraling into “Why is everything so overwhelming?!” faster than you can say “self-care.”

  • Mood Swings Galore: One minute you’re vibing, the next you’re ready to Hulk-smash the nearest task list. It’s like being on an emotional roller coaster without the fun photos at the end.

4. Creative Dodging: Avoidance with Style

  • Charming AF: Need to dodge a task? Cue your charming side. You’ll sweet-talk your way out of anything, making people think it was their idea to take over your responsibilities. Genius, right?

  • Excuses: The Sequel: You’ll come up with such elaborate reasons to avoid demands, even you’ll start believing them. It’s like storytelling, but with more self-deception and fewer plot holes.

5. Relationship Juggling: Control Freak Edition

  • Let’s Talk Control Issues: Relationships are a minefield of expectations. You’ll try to control every little thing, just so you don’t feel boxed in by someone else’s demands. This often leads to the kind of drama that belongs on reality TV.

  • Conflict Magnet: Get ready for frequent arguments, especially when your partner, friend, or family member asks you to do something you weren’t planning to do—like existing.

Laying on couch with phone

6. Inconsistent Adulting: The Mystery of “Can I Function Today?”

  • One Day You’re a Boss, The Next You’re a Blob: Your ability to get stuff done swings like a pendulum. Some days you’re crushing it, other days you can’t even muster the energy to open an email. Predictable? Nope. Relatable? 100%.

Pathological Demand Avoidance isn’t just about avoiding tasks—it’s about navigating life with a side of anxiety, charm, and a dash of controlled chaos. The key is finding what works for you, even if that means rewriting the rules entirely.


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Northeastern University